Anti-Bullying Week

Last week, the school was delighted to launch our new Anti-Bullying Policy. This was a long-term project that started with a consultation of over 300 pupils across the year groups to find out what pupils wanted and needed from an anti-bullying policy.

Key findings from the consultation included that many pupils were not aware that the school had and followed an anti-bullying policy as well as some confusion as to what to do if a pupil experienced or witnessed bullying. As a result, the Pupil Support department decided to run a week-long Anti-Bullying Week where each PSE class – from S1 to S6 – were talked through the new policy. The new anti-bullying poster was also launched – this was designed by members of the Pupil Council and reflects one of our key mottos of ‘Respect’.

The poster was created in a bid to establish a set of clear instructions of what pupils should do if they witness or experience bullying. The six steps of the poster-policy include:

  • Recognise: realise when bullying or negative behaviour is taking place;
  • Tell someone: share your troubles with a friend, family-member or member of staff;
  • Empathise: understand that often people displaying negative behaviour need some support, too;
  • Call it in: explain in a positive manner when individuals are being inappropriate;
  • Talk it out: if you feel comfortable, have a restorative conversation to try and rekindle a civil relationship.

The pupils were then encouraged to apply these instructions to different scenarios that might come up in their lives. Examples of some of the work completed is displayed below:

Pupils responded positively to the updated policy with many hoping that this rekindled focus on bullying and negative behaviour can help to ensure that Wick High School is a safe and welcoming place for all.

The policy poster is available here.

Parents are reminded that if there are any incidents of bullying or negative behaviour that they want the school to be aware of, the Guidance Team are always available to address any concerns.