Weekly Pupil Engagement Reports To Be Issued To S1-S3 Parents

Since our enforced closure began we have been working hard to both provide as much online learning as possible as well as mantaining the pastoral care aspects of the school with our Pupil Support staff making regular checks on vulnerable pupils and their families.

Next week will see us add another layer of support to parents and guardians of S1-3 pupils with the weekly publication of a report on your child (or children’s) engagement and progress with their online learning. Please note: the report is personalised to your child/ren only and is only shared with you.

This report will be emailed to all parents/guardians who have shared their email address with the school and will be published in this way every Monday. This will allow parents/guardians the opportunity to see, at a glance, which subjects have been accessed and, in which subjects, work has been done.

As this report will be issued this coming Monday, 4th May, and this announcement comes halfway through this week, the data shown for this current week may be incomplete, however we will be working with a full week’s data by the following Monday, the 11th May.

If you are not in receipt of this report for any reason please contact the school and we will be happy to help.