Remembrance Day Marked by WHS

Wick High School marked Remembrance Day last week with a number of events. On Friday the 11th our entire S2 cohort attended the annual memorial ceremony in Wick, lead by Mr Tillier and Ms Morrison, History Dept. We were delighted to receive feedback from representatives of the local branch of The British Legion who praised our pupils for their respect and conduct on the day.

In addition to this the school was also represented at Sunday’s service by pupils who attend local Army Cadet, Air Training Corp and Sea Cadet forces. They are pictured below.


In school pupils in Social Subjects learned about the origins of the Poppy Appeal and S6 pupils collected money and issued poppies to pupils.

Mrs Hendry, Pupil Support teacher, also did some wonderful work with the pupils in the school’s Enhanced Provision Unit or Class 1. She told us a little more about it and gave us some excellent photos of  the work completed:

“To mark Armistice Day the pupils in Class 1 made a poppy design on plates.  They used their fingers to paint the petals of the poppies and then a brush to paint the middle.  As we were doing this we listened to The Last Post and a mixture of Scottish Pipe music.  All the pupils enjoyed taking part in the Art work.”